Club membership forms are available for collection from behind the bar. You will be required to complete the form and will need a current fully paid member to propose your application and a current fully paid member to second your application.
Once your application form has been completed correctly you will be invited to attend a new members evening and upon acceptance and payment of your membership
New members who have recently joined the club would have paid the standard joining fee of £25 and a reduced membership to cover your membership up to 31/1/2025 and therefore annual payment is required from 1st February 2025.
The cost of annual membership was increased at the last AGM and is as follows :
65 years and under £25
66 years and over £12.50
There are numerous ways that you can make your payment.
The options are as below:
Membership Subscription period: 1st February 2025 – 31st January 2026
Payment via APP
This is one of our 2 preferred options.
Once you have downloaded the APP you can register and verify your email. If you then click on ‘my membership’ and click on the correct payment button, then you can make payment directly from your phone/laptop/desktop. This will automatically update your account and you will see that your membership expiry date will change to 1st April 2026.
Payment over the bar
This method is our second preferred option.
You can pay your subs to a member of the team over the bar. You will receive a receipt for payment and your account will be updated accordingly with a new expiry date as above.
Please note that the deadline for renewals is 28th February 2025. Any member who hasn’t renewed their subscription by 1st April 2025 will be classed as a lapsed member and won’t be able to gain access to the club. We have new software installed on our till and back office and all lapsed membership as at this date will have their door access card expired.
Direct payment to the bank
NatWest Bank
Sort code:60-04-05
Account No:77020499
(please use your name and membership number as the reference. It is very important you include your membership number so we can allocate the payment to your account)
Once payment has been made directly to the bank, please email us at the following address so we can update your records immediately.
Please send your payment to
(Please make sure payment is sent as Friends and Family)
Cash or Cheque
Post through the side door in an envelope with your name and membership number (if known) clearly on the front.
If you do have any queries then please speak to a committee or team member or send us an email at astonfieldsclub@gmail.comp fees, you will become a member for the calendar year.